April 4th was a very sad day for the Mauro family, CSAIn (Centri Sportivi Aziendali e Industriali) and EFCS. Pater familias Antonio Mauri, former president and honorary president of CSAIn, suffered the consequences of the deadly coronavirus and passed away in Catania, Sicily, Italy.
Antonio, born in Cavenago, Brianza on February 8th, 1939, was a very respected man who led CSAIn from 2001 until 2008 with passion and vigor. He was also a much appreciated member of the EFCS Executive Committee from 2004 until 2010.
Antonio will be remembered as a very charming, gentle, sensible and intelligent man who was always available.
The EFCS expresses its deepest condolences to his wife Gabriela, his family and friends in this dark time.