EFCS invited to the EU Sport Forum 2018

EFCS invited to the EU Sport Forum 2018

The EFCS was invited as a guest-speaker  at the EU Sport Forum. It was a unique opportunity for sport organisations to meet policy makers and representatives of the EU institutions and of the Member States.

Didier Besseyre, President of the EFCS, accompanied by Musa Lami, General Secretary, and Guy de Grauwe, Vice-president, were welcomed in Sofia (BL) for the EU Sport Forum. This European meeting is “the place to be” for European sport.



The EU Sport Forum is the main platform for structured dialogue between the European Commission and sport stakeholders. The Forum’s main objective is to take stock of progress achieved in implementing the EU agenda for sport and to seek stakeholders’ views on current and planned/possible future activities.


EFCS President Didier Besseyre took the stage to address company sport as a whole, discussing its development and implementation throughtout Europe. Various initiatives have been undertaken all over Europe continuously expanding with the latest European Project targeted to company sport, EMoCS – European Meetings of Company Sport.

EFCS President also conducted a round-table on company sport and its implementation during the EU Sport Forum.

Didier Besseyre and guest-speakers at the EU Sport Forum – Sofia (BL) 2018

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