The European Federation for Company Sport is part of the Erasmus+ project “European Social Charter for Sport Events” coordinated by EASE.
European Social Charter for Sport Events
This project aims at creating a Social Charter that is suitable to the widest audience possible among sport events organisers. The charter will be based on a study of existing needs of social commitments. There will be a first draft of that charter which will be tested, and comments after the testing phase will be considered for the final version of that document. Finally, it will be presented and disseminated so it can be used by most of sport events organisers in Europe.
This Social Charter aims at being a reference document in sport social policies across the European Union. As such, it intends to contribute to both the European sport policy by promoting good governance of European sport events and to the European social policy by ensuring the implementation of social obligations in the European sport activities and events.
European Social Charter for Sport Events – Timeline of the project
The team behind the project
EASE is a non-profit and independent membership organisation created in 2003. Its purpose is to defend the European Employers in the Sport Sector. EASE seeks to unite the three main areas of the sport sector: non-profit, professional and commercial.
EASE’s objectives are:
- To increase the representativeness of sport employers in order to promote social dialogue by
- Negotiating on their behalf at European Level and building a new ESSDC for sport
- Leading European Projects in the name of Sport Employers
- Representing European Sport Employers in European and International events
- Organising events on topics involving our members
- To influence the labour market and labour relations in sport on a European level by
- Stimulating the exchange of knowledge between our members
- Identifying and protecting our members’ interests
Project partners
Follow the European Federation for Company Sport Erasmus+ Project on our website.