Background of HEMA
EU institutions report unacceptably high level of physical inactivity among EU citizens (60% of EU Citizens), and that for a long time (as presented in several reports such as 2008 EU PA guidelines, 2013 HEPA recommendations, 2018 Eurobarometer, White Paper for Sport, Communication on Developing the European Dimension in Sport, 2016 High Level Group on Grassroots Sport Report, 2017 Tartu Call for Healthy Lifestyle, 2017 Physical Activity at the Workplace report, 2017-2020 EU Sport Work Plan).
“That’s why EU initiates Sport Work Plan for 2017-2020 in which HEMA project is defined, in line with two of the three priorities set by the EU Commission and the Member States in the EU: the economic dimension of sport (economic benefits of sport) and the link between sport and society (sport and health)”
Our vision:
The project aims at leveraging physical activity rates by combining sport, physical activity and mobility.
The concept of HEMA is to combine sport practice and grassroots sport with talks and studies about the implementation of Physical Activity and mobility in EU workplaces.
One major aspect of HEMA’s legacy is the development and transfer of adapted programmes to EU workplaces to help them implement tangible sport and mobility activities at work.
Our actions:
The innovative methodology of HEMA is to associate physical activity to mobility schemes within the company. Several activities will be implemented in order to leverage levels of PA and mobility at work :
Overview and diagnosis of the levels of PA and mobility at work in Europe
Surveys targeted to employers and employees to identify major push and pull factors
A pilot test implemented during three months in three countries Belgium, France and Latvia
A digital connected challenge for employees to count their steps by walking, cycling or running
A conference in Brussels to discuss how to combine PA and mobility schemes